Vegetarian Savory Oatmeal Recipe

To watch a free video of me making this, so I can show you the exact techniques that will make the perfect recipe, go to Vegetarian Savory Oatmeal Recipe

This vegetarian savory oatmeal recipe was borne out of a desire for whole grains, the backbone of many healthy vegetarian recipes. After spending a week in Olympos where our dinners were made for us, I had to think of something to make that would make up for all of the white rice we'd eaten.

Tonight Phil and I are in a town called Kas, on the south coast of Turkey. The population is about 6,900, and the buildings are built up into the surrounding, very steep, hills. Unfortunately, whole grains are pretty rare around here. The only one we could find was rolled oats, and that got me thinking that I'd been wanting to try making a dinner with rolled oats.

We use them a lot for breakfast, but like most people had never made them for dinner. I picked out some nice looking vegetables to go with them, and made sure to pick up an onion to really make sure this dish was savory, and got thinking about how I wanted to make this dish. It turned out really nicely - very nice flavors, and a nice soft grain rather than the solid brown rice or other grains we usually have at dinner.

Prep time: 10 min. Cooking time: 20 min
Time from start to eating: 30 min.

Vegetarian Savory Oatmeal Recipe Ingredients

  • 1 onion, diced
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 cup mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 zucchini, sliced
  • salt, pepper
  • 1 Tbsp Italian Herb Mix
  • 2 cups rolled oats
  • 1 1/2 cup water
  • 1 avocado, diced

Vegetarian Savory Oatmeal Recipe Directions

  1. Heat a pan to medium and saute the mushrooms in olive oil. Once the mushrooms have released their juices and it has evaporated, add the onions and allow them to soften before adding the zucchini. Once the zucchini has softened slightly, sprinkle salt over the vegetables, stir and quickly cover the pan with a lid.
  2. Once the vegetables are very soft, add the oats, pepper and herbs. Stir to season everything, then add the water to the dish. Add slowly, to make sure the oats don't get too mushy. Leave this to soften the oats for a couple of minutes, then serve, topped with the fresh avocado and a sprinkle of black pepper. I hope you enjoy this savory oatmeal recipe, the latest of my healthy vegetarian recipes.